Steelers Got Defeated & ‘kicked In The Teeth’ By Their Opponent 49ers

Steelers Got Defeated & ‘kicked In The Teeth’ By Their Opponent 49ers

Mike Tomlin (Coach) didn’t sugarcoat words when commenting on the aftermath of the game of the defeat of Pittsburgh Steelers against the team of San Francisco 49ers. 

Commenting on the match he said:

You can’t start games 0-5 on third down and think that you’re going to have the type of day that you desire. You got to win the weighty downs, and it’s just more than just identifying that component, man. It was a failure on our part, in all areas. We got to coach better, we got to play better.

He admitted to getting kicked in the teeth during the match in a whole lot of ways. There was a lack of performance during the match and came on very surprising, after the offense started by the team of Steelers. They started scoring multiple touchdowns.

The coach claimed that they still have enough time to show game as there are sixteen games still left. Their team is still very excited for all of this year’s matches.

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